We leave Sines by midday, the weather is sunny and the light wind (force 3-4) is West and later North-West. My back is quite painful and therefore I’ll stay almost all the time in bed in the cabin. As usual dolphins came to play around the boat but these (dozens of common dolphins and some bottlenose dolphins) are especially curious, they emerge right near the hull to stare at us. We could have touched them!
The wind won’t be blowing for long, at 8pm we are stuck at about 20M from São Vincente Cape. That’s a shame, we’ll pass this cape at night, and we won’t see his impressive sharp cliffs falling steeply into the water. We hardly guessed them as we sailed very close to the shore and listened to the waves breaking. The more we move away from the cape the more wind is weakening again. The traffic is also intensifying and we see red and green lights all around us. To reach Portimão we will have to use the motor, we drop the anchor at 11am (it took 24 hours for 84M!) inside the East breakwater where about 20 boats are already anchored.
It looks like a village on water. We are assaulted by heat and delicious pine tree smell: no doubt we are in South now!We have passed the 1.000 Miles since we left Brittany (exactly 1071), we are now close to Gibraltar and hoping to enter the Med as soon as possible.
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